Reveal 11
working models plus written instructions to make 7 creatively folded
cover-ups. Lots of ideas for embellishment are tucked into surprising
pockets, packets, and folded hideaways. You'll want to open and
investigate every flap and fold of this amazing compilation. Discover
step-cut files and concertina pockets created from commercial envelopes.
An All-enveloping history of the letter cover is tucked into a petal
folded square with interlocking flaps. A triangle gate fold reveals
even more facts about First Day Covers. Discover "Pop"
Lueders' remarkable collection of cover art.
Don't miss
this excellent exposé enveloped in a 6-3/4" X 4-1/2" X
3/8" packet decorated with black and white illustrations and
colored artistamps. As always, Wingin' It is engineered
to enlighten, encourage and enrich your artistic endeavors.
$60.00 (USA price, includes shipping)
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